Monday, August 3, 2015

I’m Ms. Del Bene!  
I am THRILLED that you will be in my class this year! We are going to learn so many new and exciting things together. This is my FIFTH year at Montessori Magnet School and my FIRST year teaching 3rd grade! I’m so excited and hope that my excitement is contagious to you and your FAMILY.
I am very passionate about teaching all subjects, though MATH and SOCIAL STUDIES are my “FAVS”, and I enjoy using technology as much as I can. A class website and blog are in the works!
I also think it is very important to work TOGETHER as a classroom family. We will be spending a lot of time together so it is important to treat each other with RESPECT, KINDNESS, and COMPASSION. I know that EACH of you have a different brain, which means you THINK and LEARN differently. It is my JOB as your teacher to help you grow as a learner and as a person of good CHARACTER.
I’ll tell you a little about me. When I’m not planning exciting, FUN lessons for us, you can find me spending time with my 11 year old daughter, running, hiking, and reading GREAT books! I also LOVE traveling and learning new things!
I can’t wait to MEET YOU on the first day of school and your FAMILY at our open house night! We are going to have a GREAT YEAR!
                       See you soon!

                       Ms. Del Bene   (pronounced Del Ben-ay)

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